
Area Codes

Area codes are the sub sections with in a country to easily manage the numbering system inside cities or towns. These area codes are unique with in the country and can be vary from single digit to multiple digits. In case of United States and Canada, area codes are fixed to 3 digits and are designed and maintained by North American Numbering Plan

Need of Area Codes:

Every country will have varying number of area codes to manage the demand with in the area. Area codes are also useful to control and traffic congestion nation wide. When the numbers are dialed with in the are codes, local exchanges will directly handle the call the to connect to the other number with out the need to engage the national level lines. This is the most effective way in terms of cost as well as performance and quality of the phone call.

Calling Numbers with in Area Codes:

When the numbers are dialed with in the area code, only the subscriber number required with out any other special dialing instructions. But when the call needs to made on to a different area, then the area code of the other party is required. Area codes are again different from extensions numbers. Extensions are with in single subscriber and generally they are available when dialed to a large office networks. To call any subscriber number from different country then dialing person needs to follow special instructions along with country code and area code.

Reverse Number Lookup:

For a given number, to find out which area the subscriber belongs, you can simply take first 3 digits and match them to see the state codes. The next 3 digits are local exchange identifier. This numbering system is followed in United States and Canada. To make things easy, we have a simple reverse number lookup tool on this website.